Here’s a little bit of what we’ve been up to recently….. (sneak peeks)!

This is SUMMER (Ragland High School c/o 2014)


Shannon&Rick’s Wedding!


They decided to go the traditional route and not see each other before the ceremony…but we still got them in a pre-nuptial photograph….Shannon&Rick-26






Kelly ~ Senior

Meet Kelly!

She’s now a Senior (well as soon as school starts, which should be any day now) at Saks High School. C/O 2013!

She’s obviously gorgeous

and very athletic as well. Which would be why she plays 2nd base and short stop for the Saks High softball team (and they just won the state championship)!

See the image on the right? To prove her athleticism, she did 20 pull-ups for us (okay, I’m kidding…though I bet she could!)

She doesn’t want a boyfriend (for now!)

Did I mention she has some of the most gorgeous eyes EVER….I’m serious…see for yourselves…

Kelly, I hope you have a blast your senior year! Cherish it, it goes by fast.